Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science Conference 2025

Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF), Valencia, Spain

23-26 September 2025

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Abstract Submission Deadline (Oral and Poster)

Wednesday, May 28

Acceptance of abstracts

Tuesday,  June 17

Early Registration

Up to Friday, June 27

Registration closing

Tuesday, September 2

2 Poster Prizes


  • Xuankai Huang
  • Deblina Majumder
25 Poster Prizes


  • Raul Artal
  • Ángela Ramos Díaz
  • Dan Ito
  • Jędrzej Kondek  
  • Sung Ryul Choi
  • Joel Casella
  • Sangwook Park
  • Franjo Weber
  • Akira Nasu
  • Arianna Pesce
  • Mareen Schaller
  • Elena Sánchez Ahijón
  • Sunghyun Park
  • Andrés Campos Galera
  • Nicolas Liang
  • Florian Stainer
  • Takashi Hirose
  • Yuichi Sakuda
  • Veronica Humlebæk Jensen  
  • Jong-Eun Hong
  • Gyeong Duk Nam
  • Matthaeus Siebenhofer  
  • Barbara Wagner
  • Zonghao Shen
  • Klaudia Zielińska
3 Poster Prizes


  • Matthias Hartmann
  • Jing Ming  
  • Patrick Ewerhardt

Social activities


The Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science Conference 2025 has established itself as a reference event in the field of microscopy, attracting international researchers and fostering interdisciplinary exchange. It is structured around three main areas within microscopy: Materials, Life Sciences, and Cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM).

The MFS25 conference will open on 23 September with a welcome reception, followed by three days of lectures from 24 to 26 September. Over these three days, at least seven lectures by renowned international keynote speakers who will address key topics related to the three main areas of the event to captivate the entire audience, focusing on cross-cutting topics and interdisciplinary frontiers within the field of microscopy.


days of conference + Welcome Day


plenary lectures


parallel sessions

Conference Topics

Colloidal Nanocrystals and Clusters
Inorganic Synthesis
Surface Science
Optical Spectroscopy
Nanostructure Characterization


Material Science

  • Francisca Peiró Martínez. IN2UB-Universidad de Barcelona
  • Raúl Arenal. INMA-Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Juan Carlos Hernández Garrido. Universidad de Cádiz
  • Lionel Cervera Gontard. Universidad de Cádiz
  • Leonard Francis. INL, Braga
    Sónia Simöes. Universidad de Porto

Life Sciences

  • Ignacio Arechaga. IBBTEC-UC-CSIC
  • Carmen San Martín. CNB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Jaime Martín Benito. CNB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Maria Luisa Jordao. INSA, Lisboa
  • Erin Tranfield. VIB-UGent
  • Tania Carvalho. Champalimaud Foundation, Lisboa
  • Paula Sampaio. i3S – Universidade do Porto
  • Gabriel Martins. Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras
  • Oliver Schraid. INL, Braga

CryoEM Section

  • Celia Romao. ITQB, Lisboa
  • Nuria Verdaguer. IBMB-CSIC, Barcelon
  • Pablo Guerra. IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona
  • Rocío Arranz. CNB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Javier Garcia Nafría. Unizar-BIFI, Zaragoza
  • Ernesto Arias. CIB-CSIC, Madrid
  • Aitor Hierro. Instituto Biofisika, Bilbao
  • Marisa López. IBV-CSIC, Valencia
University of Chicago

Dmitri Talapin

Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC John Curley
University of Chicago Philippe Guyot-Sionnest
University of Washington David Ginger


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Qian Chen

Colorado University, Boulder Gordana Dukovic
University of Washington Daniel Gamelin
Virginia Tech Lina Quan
Northwestern University Richard Schaller


Whitman College

Mark Hendricks

Vanderbilt Janet Macdonald
University California Riverside Yadong Yin
ETH Zurich Maksym Kovalenko
University Oregon Carl Brozek
North Carolina State University Milad Abolhasani
Sungkyunkwan University Sohee Jeong


Plenary Speakers

Erin Tranfield
Fabrizio Carbone
Giulia Zanetti
Manos Mavrakis
Sjors Scheres
Wiebke Möbius
José Sánchez Costa
José Luis Llácer
Clara Marco Marín
Santiago Ramón Maiques
Paulo Ferreira
Juan de Dios Alché Ramírez
María Angeles Juanes
Patricia Casino Ferrando

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

José Luis Llácer

Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC)

Clara Marco Marín

Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC)

Santiago Ramón Maiques

Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC)

Paulo Ferreira

University of Lisbon – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Juan de Dios Alché Ramírez

Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC, Granada)

María Angeles Juanes

Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF, Valencia)

Patricia Casino Ferrando

Instituto Universitario en Biotecnología y Biomedicina (BIOTECMED)- UV


the structural and chemical factors that dictate the properties of nanocrystalline materials, from discovery to their application in commercial products.

ultrafast spectroscopy, synchrotron techniques, and advances in electron microscopy – and what they reveal about the photophysics, dynamics, and electronic structure, of nanocrystalline materials.

synthesis, chemistry, and electronic properties of molecular systems and their relationship to the analogous material systems.

synthesis and chemistry of colloidal nanocrystals, including size and shape control, surface coordination chemistry and its relationship to optoelectronic properties.

newly areas in nanoscience, including colloidal metal-organic frameworks, automation in nanocrystal synthesis, and van der Waal’s materials.

synthesis and properties of nanostructured oxides and transition metal-containing materials for electrochemical and catalytic applications.

the latest advances in construction and performance of optoelectronic devices based on inorganic nanomaterials, including electrochromic materials and infrared photodetectors, etc.


University of xxxx Prof. xxxx xxxx
xxxx University Prof. xxxx xxxx
xxxx Institute Prof. xxxx xxxx
xxxx College Prof. xxxx xxxx

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